Quick calculation of complex financial indicators
Abraxas Controlling is a set of tools, which can be used for a variety of tasks, including financial data management and real-time calculation of complex financial indicators.
Controlling is very useful for banks and other financial institutions, that require processing large volumes of data in short time spans.
Displays complex financial indicators in real time
Financial indicators are calculated using live data, and presented in MS Excel format, which can be viewed through a well knows user MS Excel interface. Efficient background processes perform data extraction and manipulation in real time, so the user is always presented with the most recent information. Data access is optimized, so the performance equals that of a local database.
Customized for your requirements
Each company has a specific set of requirements for controlling its business information.
Abraxas Controlling is flexible, it can be quickly adapted to your requirements and integrated with your IT infrastructure. Your existing data is used for real-time calculations.
Controlling comes with a rich set standard financial indicators, but also allows users to define their own custom indicators.
Controlling will work with any relational database, including Oracle, DB2, MS SQL and PostgreSQL.
Easy to use
Abraxas Controlling uses MS Excel as its user interface. The widespread availability of MS Excel and its well known user interface ensures ease of use and user friendliness for Abraxas Controlling.
Abraxas Controlling is however not a simple Excel spreadsheet. Data is displayed in spreadsheet cells, but it is drawn directly from your data sources.
MS Office integration
Abraxas Controlling is tightly integrated with MS Office, using MS Excel for for interactive work, analyses, and calculations, while MS Word is used for generating pre-defined documents and reports.
Abraxas Controlling Security
Comprehensive access control allows user and group access permissions. Users’ access can be limited to only allow them access to information relevant to their position. Access control can also be integrated to user accounts in your information system.